THE APP FOR REMODELING - Recommending service providers around the world Can emerge like Uber and Airbnb and the only way to reno vate.

Global remodeling market to pass $ 6 trillion by 2027


A partnership with Dror Ozeri, the most successful Israeli entrepreneur and currently the largest supplier in the world of printed artificial lawn surfaces.

We can't fight technology. The screens are here to stay and our challenge is how to manage the use for both adults and kids. We won't stop the use of the devices, but can we make it more productive.

Play Tech will be the world leader in combining real live outdoor facilities with apps allowing us to combine the digital and physical world.

We will implement these devices in the group in OYA EARTH and showroom locations which will be a great way to implement it in the first phase, but the great opportunity is to emerge and the first company providing these solutions globally which is a Multi Billion Dollar opportunity.


A partnership with Sharon Birnbaum, the most successful Israeli entrepreneur in this field, already operating a tremendously successful operation changing the industry in Israel! Retech technology including touch screens with complete content, holograms and all the latest content for the retail industry.

This will support the group by providing cutting edge promotion. However, the big opportunting is to provide the solutions to global retailers.

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